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Indian King Tavern, Haddonfield, New Jersey


Assembly room Bar room
The Assembly Room (above, left) on the tavern's second floor was the area's largest non-religious public meeting hall. In 1777 the New Jersey Council and General Assembly convened here to legally declare the former colony a state and adopt its Great Seal. The bar room (above, right) was one of three public eating and drinking rooms on the first floor.

Keeping room Dolley Madison room
Food was cooked in a separate outbuilding and brought into the Keeping Room, or "Keep" (above, left), at the back of the tavern before it was served. An upstairs room has been turned into the Dolley Madison room (above, right), furnished with the bed that she is said to have slept in as a frequent visitor to Haddonfield in the 1780s. (She didn't actually sleep in the tavern, but in a nearby house.)

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A Year of 250th Anniversary Events Ends

Christmas Music 2000 at the Indian King

Brad Mattson Named Volunteer of Year

George Washington Visits the Indian King

Slaves at Mt. Vernon: An Indian King Performance

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